Set button title
Select the type of the button you will use.(The style values can be changed in Theme Option), 7 Different Styles and Unlimited Conbinations.
Set align for the button.
All possible target styles. Open in a New Page, in a new window and in the same page
Set the background color you want.
Set the background color on hover as you want
Set border and font color on hover and in normal mode.
Set the icon color in normal and hover attribute.
Specular theme offer different ways to style buttons. You can choose our predefined 7 styles and customize in unlimited ways.
You can set the button color, font color and border color.
Choose one icon and change icon color also on hover mode.
Everything it customizable you will be impressed by the flexibility this theme offer for every need.
Keep in mind that you can extend the customization by using the Theme Options too.
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